

Struggling to get your Product Listings on the top of Amazon Search Results?

It’s time to elevate Your e-Commerce Presence with Expert Content

Why do you need Content for your e-Commerce Listings?

Have you heard the saying “Content is King” in the world of digital marketing? It’s true, especially when it comes to e-commerce. To thrive in online sales, businesses need high-quality content that engages their audience and drives conversions. We see sellers struggling on Amazon every day. That’s where we come in!

Our team of content and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) experts specialize in e-commerce consulting services. We work hand-in-hand with our clients to develop effective content strategies that optimize their online stores and boost sales. Let us help you craft compelling and persuasive messaging that resonates with your target audience and drives real results.


Content Development for E-Com is an ART and SCIENCE

  • Customer-driven
  • Easy to understand
  • Informative
  • Factually-correct
  • Complex Algorithm
  • Product Relevance
  • High-volume vs Relevant Keywords
  • Search Query
  • Ranking Metrics
  • Popularity
  • Ready to win the Algorithm

    The Art:

    Simply having your listing show up on top of the results is not enough, you want the customers to truly understand the benefits of your product, giving them more confidence to click on that “Buy Now” button! An engaging yet informative copy will captivate your potential customers, and help them know and understand your products before the purchase.

    The Science:

    eCommerce platforms like Amazon and Walmart ranks listings based on the popularity and relevancy of the keywords used in the copy. Keywords act like gateways, leading customers to your listings. The more such gateways there are, the more likely it is that customers will click on your listing, that the product will be on the front page and that the customers will buy your product.

    What Do Our Content Services Include?

    Product Title Optimization (SEO)

    Feature Bullets Optimization (SEO)

    Product Description Optimization (SEO)

    New Listing (Title / Bullets / Description)

    Whether you want to optimize an existing product listing or build one from scratch, we are masters of copy creation and optimization. Our approach is strategic and, at the same time, customer-driven, which works well to win Amazon’s algorithm as well as get more customers engaged and involved.

    Our content team is expert at understanding the ‘true need’ of optimization. Backed by data, our wordsmiths will work closely with you to build a strategy to create eye-catching listings optimized to rank high in the product category.

    The content development and optimization process involves the following:
  • A comprehensive competitor analysis of the marketplace to understand the good, bad and ugly
  • An in-depth keyword research using the top tools of the industry
  • A ‘Power-title’ which has the Highest ranking juice and hits right on the spot of the target audience
  • Factually-correct, engaging and informative feature bullets that have the most relevant keywords strategically added
  • A holistic description that sums up a product…
  • Other Services

    Brand Audits

    Image Shelf Optimization

    Omnichannel Servicing

    A+ Optimization

    Template/Metadata Population

    Content Monitoring

    Other than just building your product listings’ title, bullets and description, we also offer the following services:

    Brand Audits – Embark on a strategic audit journey with us, delving into both your competitors’ landscape and your own portfolio. We bring an honest, critical, and insightful perspective, revealing the truths that empower your brand to navigate and succeed in the marketplace.
    Image Shelf Optimization – Did you know? 78% of shoppers focus on product images! If your digital shelf falls short, consider the battle lost. We’ll help you optimize product images, and will guide you on the best way forward to grab maximum attention.
    Omnichannel Servicing – Command every market, dominate every platform – be it Amazon, Walmart, or Best Buy. Navigate the omnichannel landscape seamlessly – we ensure your e-commerce business transcends boundaries, delivering a unified and exceptional experience across every platform.
    A+ Optimization – Amplify your sales by utilizing the most premium features of A+ Content, staying steps ahead of the competition. Through a fusion of meticulously researched content, captivating imagery, and a compelling visual narrative, we craft A+ content that grabs your reader’s attention from the first glance.
    Template / Metadata Population -Behind the scenes, a multitude of tasks often go unnoticed by shoppers. Transforming raw data into structured spreadsheets across diverse e-commerce platforms is crucial. Let us handle the tedious work, ensuring your product listings are complete in all respects.
    Content Monitoring – Completing product listings marks just one chapter of the story, not the end. Post-listing, potential pitfalls await. We’ll continually monitor your listings to ensure that the content that was created remains intact. Any errors or deviations are promptly identified and rectified, guaranteeing a seamless and error-free online presence for your products.

    Why Choose Us

    Tenet’s Product Listing Optimization Service

    Tailored Excellence

    Tailored Excellence

    Your story, uniquely told. We craft content.

    Consistent Brand Voice

    Consistent Brand Voice

    Foster brand loyalty with a cohesive identity.

    Scientifically-Backed Artful Writing

    Scientifically-Backed Artful Writing

    More than words—backed by data, facts.

    An Extension of Your Team

    An Extension of Your Team

    Beyond client-agency, we passionately drive.

    Experience Across All Categories

    Experience Across All Categories

    From the commonplace to groundbreaking, we’ve got it.

    Fast Turnaround

    Fast Turnaround

    Experience meets efficiency—we deliver faster than expected.

    Time Zone Advantage

    Time Zone Advantage

    A seamless loop between geographies—work never stops!

    Satisfied Client Base

    Satisfied Client Base

    Happy clients for a reason—we listen, understand, and deliver.

    We’re here to tell your story

    Ready to Boost Your Sales and Brand Visibility

    Partner with us, and let’s transform your e-commerce journey together! Contact us today for a personalized consultation and discover how our expertly crafted content can drive your business forward.